Education NSW EFSG product selection
Refer EFSG Design Guide, revision 16/01/2014; also refer to EFSG Specification Guide SG31 Cermaic Tiling clause 2.3 Tiles & Accessories (mandatory) & EFSG Specification Guide DG43 clause 43.04 (mandatory); note specific slip resistance requirements to floor tiles; note: specification does not state tile finish for wall tiles – please check whether you require matt or gloss finish; refer complete specification documents.

Scheme A, Scheme B, Scheme C – Administration
location: Administration Block splashback tiles: Glennon Tiles W200 series GT06628 200x200x7mm glazed ceramic wall tile white gloss
refer EFSG Design Guide Scheme, revision 16/01/2014; also refer to EFSG Specification Guide SG31 Cermaic Tiling clause 2.3 Tiles & Accessories (mandatory) & EFSG Specification Guide DG43 clause 43.04 (mandatory); note specific slip resistance requirements to floor tiles; refer to complete specification
Product W2025 200x200x7mm Glazed Ceramic Wall Tile White Gloss
Scheme A, Scheme B, Scheme C – Communal Hall & Canteen
location: Communal Hall & Canteen
- access wall tiles generally: Glennon Tiles W200 series GT06144 200x200x7mm glazed ceramic wall tile grey
- access wc wall tiles from FFL to ceiling to basin wall only: Glennon Tiles W200 series GT06024 200x200x7mm glazed ceramic wall tile pistachio gloss
- floor tile & coved skirting tile to suit toilets: Glennon Tiles Bauhaus GT06001 100x100mm unglazed matt floor tile in combination with Bauhaus GT06024 100x100mm unglazed matt cove skirting tile
- floor tiles to wc/shower: Glennon Tiles Bauhaus GT06001 100x100mm unglazed matt floor tile in combination with Bauhaus GT06024 100x100mm unglazed matt cove skirting tile
refer EFSG Design Guide Scheme, revision 16/01/2014; also refer to EFSG Specification Guide SG31 Cermaic Tiling clause 2.3 Tiles & Accessories (mandatory) & EFSG Specification Guide DG43 clause 43.04 (mandatory); note specific slip resistance requirements to floor tiles; refer to complete specification